3 Ways To Master Technical Writing Without Breaking A Sweat

Asiloku Titilayo
3 min readJun 13, 2022


Have you ever come across a piece of writing you can’t seem to understand because of the numerous terminologies that are strange to you? I bet you have.

Reading them can be tiring. It is perfectly natural to ignore it and move on to something better.

In UX design, we call that a bad experience. As a writer, you don’t want your readers stressing over a word.

This is where technical writing comes to play.

Technical Writing uniqueness is in direction. It is written to give instruction or direction on a technical subject. Technical writing simplifies complex subjects.

Imagine going through a website to understand cybersecurity but the author’s writing makes it difficult for you to understand. You are back right where you started.

However, simplified writing on cybersecurity will intrigue you to know more about it and delve into it.

There are different forms of technical writing. They are instructional manuals, product descriptions, handbooks or even press releases that talk about the use of technology in simple terms.

However, technical writing is not limited to the above. Technical writing is flexible as it has come to mean any written content related to technology or technical processes.

Mastering technical writing is relatively easy. You can learn without breaking a sweat by

  1. Understanding Technical Writing:

You don’t need jargon in technical writing as this will defeat its whole purpose. Technical writing is all about simplicity.

As a technical writer, embrace the habit of simplifying your words for the readers to assimilate.

It is better to keep your writings short and simple than lengthy and difficult to understand.

Objectivity and fact are also other features of technical writing. Technical writing is not a preacher of love. It objectively states the fact because it is relaying an instruction.

Technical writing is analytical. It is also important to note that there is no room for errors in technical writing.

Imagine reading a manual on how to fix your Tv with the wrong information. You’ll get a headache from your trouble or abandon the Tv. Ultimately giving the product a bad review.

2. Knowing your audience:

Sorry Champ, you can’t start writing without knowing who you are writing for.

You need to know if you are writing for a novice or an expert. An expert will understand the language or as they call it, the lingo of their field but a novice won’t.

I recall seeing a post on blockchain about FOMO (Fear of missing out), I had no idea what that meant. I got to know after asking a friend.

Save your readers from stress and write out the acronyms. Remember, an article or a manual written for an expert is written differently for a novice.

3. Research:
Do you think you can escape this? Shocker! Research informs your writing.

You can’t be a master if you don’t research.

Collect data from various sources, comprehend the data so that it can be extensively evaluated, and then provide the data in an easy-to-understand way to educate people who read it.

Technical writing might be factual but it is an exciting form of writing.

Technical writers bridge the gap between technical professionals and the general public by explaining technology in plain English.

This demand will only increase as technology grows more complicated, notably through artificial intelligence.

Technical writing is another form of writing that is worth giving a shot.

Follow for more tips to help you in your tech career. Hit the 50 claps for doing a good job reading all through.



Asiloku Titilayo

Hi, I'm Titilayo. I'm all for sharing relatable stories and knowledge gained from the digital space. You can call me Reina