An Ode to my love
It will amuse you to know that this wasn’t the article I planned to publish today.
Today is Valentine’s day for God’s sake and if I don’t talk about my relationship, what do I gain?
I’ve been in a love-hate relationship. One minute I’m loving up and the next, I’m acting up because I’m not getting what I want from my significant other. This is inevitable in a relationship anyway.
A relationship is about giving, taking, compromising, communicating and sacrificing.
My past relationships lacked commitment. I started my past relationships with passion, full of life and expectations but there was something I lacked, commitment.
I had commitment issues, I don’t follow through and I had the nagging thoughts that it won’t work out.
Ever read the book called “Law of Attractions”? Well, you should, if you haven’t. I attracted my thoughts and what happened? I lost those relationships.
It was just a thought that “it won’t work out” and it later became my reality. I got bored, I was no longer interested, I wanted to move on to the next thing that will give me fulfilment.
I was drifting, found myself in another place. Little did I know, it was going to be the turning point for me. Oh, we didn’t like each other at first, I was keeping a calm facade to cover up the turmoil inside me.
I had a baby from one of my past relationships and I couldn’t wait to get back to my baby.
This love, this indescribable love crawled up on me when I wasn’t looking. This love was built out of spending time together, communication and empathy. This love is Tech.
Tech has taught me adaptability, consistency and productivity. I’ve also learnt commitment. It’s still a work in progress.
I thought sharing my feelings for my baby with my newfound love was a mistake. I was wrong. I found balance.
If you’ve read my previous articles, you’ll remember I mentioned having a food business, that’s my baby. I thought not going back to it will break me instead it made me realize I needed this relationship (with tech) to foster my relationship with it.
I finally embraced my new relationship with tech. We’ve had our ups and downs, the countless hours I spent researching and building my skills shows my commitment and time investment.
I show up every day but trust me there are days I don’t want to but I remember you. You, who read my articles.
I owe you my commitment because I’ve awakened this same love in you.
I’ve started a lifetime journey with my relationship. I hope you get the relationship you’re looking for and when you do, you commit to it.
Your commitment helps you get better. Your relationship might not be tech like mine, it could be teaching or politics. You know what you want.
I’ve found my happy place.
Till next time.