Misconceptions about Tech
I’ve had misconceptions about tech. I was in the world having various misconceptions about tech till I had an encounter and became a preacher of tech.
I chalk it up to fear. A new phenomenon scare people and its obvious tech scare people. People come up with different excuses to fight their fear. These excuses make up the misconceptions about tech.
Oh, they are not farfetched, you thought of it and you’ve heard about it.
I’ve always thought tech is for people who studied computer science. In fact, when I think of tech, I think of people who repair computers (Computer hardware).
There was a lady in my hostel who studied Computer Science, she’s always calculating. I’ll just drop this here, I don’t like Mathematics. To make things worse, she was into programming. I never understood the jumbled writings in her notebooks. I was put off already.
Interestingly, here I am in tech, winning souls for the kingdom of technology.
What about certificates? Are you thinking you’ll go back to school to get a degree to transit to tech? No. You don’t need to go back to school for that. Certificates are important but having the skills and experience are more important. With tech, you can study at your own pace and you don’t have to go to school to learn.
Another misconception I had about tech is not having a passion for it. I love food. I have a registered food business. I love cooking, everything I did revolve around food. I had opportunities to do something else but I was insistent on food.
I was not interested in other things because I believed my passion is food.
Now, I know that passion is overrated.
Consistency is what you need. You don’t need to develop a passion for tech until you are good at it. Passion will come as you become a master in your craft. What people don’t know is passion is a result of being consistent.
Here comes the tough one, Coding. Give it up for our dear forerunner in tech. Programming has helped with lots of equipment we use anywhere in the world but people run away from it.
This is because they believed tech is all about coding. I put it to you that there are tech skills that do not require coding. Tech is vast, you just need to find a place for yourself.
I didn’t study computer science in school. I studied Mass Communication. My passion wasn’t rooted in tech but in food. I didn’t have to go to school to learn about tech and I’m not coding as well.
Here I am, a tech sis, doing the technical work of preaching technology to you one article at a time that each and every one of you may embrace this kingdom called the Future. The Future is now.